a few of my favorite things

Cured October 8, 2008

Filed under: Snacks — Bridget @ 8:44 pm


I was feeling pretty under the weather today, so I decided to stay home from class tonight.  I spent most of the evening relaxing on the couch, which made me feel MUCH better.  My appetite has been a little ‘off’ all day, but after a little dinner, I decided ice cream was exactly what I needed.  My throat is feeling a little funny, so a couple scoops of cold ice cream made it feel soooo much better.  I secretly love to let my ice cream melt a little and then stir it up to make ice cream soup 🙂  I ate my ice cream soup while I watched Project Runway and flipped through the new Glamour.


Also, here’s a really cute picture of Lucy with the new Sex and the City movie DVD.  She actually carried the movie around in her mouth for a few minutes (if she could talk, she would have been saying “Let’s watch this!!!  Please?? Let’s watch it!!”) and then put it down to give it a few licks.  Don’t worry I took it away before she could do any damage 🙂


We are leaving tomorrow afternoon for a wedding in Indiana.  I don’t know if I’ll get a chance to blog until Sunday night, but hopefully I can sneak in a post or two.  I’m looking for some nice long runs while Zach is golfing and doing wedding stuff with the guys!

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One Response to “Cured”

  1. Hangry Pants Says:

    Have fun at the wedding and hope you feel better!

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